Photo of US gun control demonstration in 2018 falsely shared as rally for Pakistan's Imran Khan
Photo of US gun control demonstration in 2018 falsely shared as rally for Pakistan's Imran Khan
After Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan defied attempts to arrest him in March 2023, a photo of a huge crowd was shared by pro-Khan social media accounts that falsely claimed it showed supporters gathered outside his house. The picture was actually taken five years earlier at a demonstration in Washington DC calling for tougher gun laws.
"Lahore: Fresh scenes from Zaman Park," reads an Urd
After Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan defied attempts to arrest him in March 2023, a photo of a huge crowd was shared by pro-Khan social media accounts that falsely claimed it showed supporters gathered outside his house. The picture was actually taken five years earlier at a demonstration in Washington DC calling for tougher gun laws.
"Lahore: Fresh scenes from Zaman Park," reads an Urd